Yusra Shaeik

How digital transformation helps recruitment companies survive pandemics

Many recruitment companies struggled to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Those that did often had a pre-existing (or quickly scrambled) digital transformation to thank. In 2020, only 25% of recruitment agencies has a digital transformation strategy in place. Today, over 84% do. That shows you how important digitisation has suddenly become to the industry. So when

Our Ultimate Guide to Cyber Security when WFH

Today’s office looks very different to how it did only a few years ago. While trends in hybrid and remote working were starting to emerge prior to the pandemic, they have accelerated as a result and are now firmly embedded in the way many businesses work. It is no coincidence that cybersecurity incidents are also

Does my business need data backup?

Businesses of all sizes need data backup. It’s that simple. If you don’t have a data backup and a disaster recovery strategy in place, you’re taking a big risk with your business’s future. Because, as industry leaders like Microsoft are constantly reminding us, cybercrime is on the rise in a big way. And as with

MFA: what it is, why you need it, and why it’s getting an upgrade

Multi-Factor Authentication should be a basic cybersecurity standard every business has in place. If you’re a business leader and you don’t know what MFA is or you haven’t instituted it, now is the time to act. Organisations using legacy systems with no MFA are hugely vulnerable to hackers. But even if you have been on

Does your industry have advanced cybersecurity requirements?


Control of sensitive financial information. Security of patents and Intellectual Property. Protecting your reputation. All organisations need sensible cybersecurity. But businesses in some industries have higher cybersecurity requirements than others. From obvious contenders like finance and healthcare to start-ups and fast-growing organisations in every sector, some organisations need to put cybersecurity at the highest priority

Remote onboarding – how to make yours work

Remote onboarding is the process you use to bring new members onto your team when there will be no face-to-face interactions. Unlike one-shot orientation training, the onboarding process can last anywhere from two weeks to several months. On top of teaching your new hire about day-to-day working practices and tools, it also involves teaching them

Your business’s digital transformation – why now is the time

It’s been a phrase on everyone’s lips since the COVID-19 pandemic made us all quickly re-evaluate many of the ways we work. But even though 80% of organisations in a recent study said they were more profitable after their digital transformation, many businesses still haven’t quite gotten around to theirs. If you’re still on the

What are the 5 key controls of Cyber Essentials?

If you want to protect your organisation (or protect your reputation and get to work on bigger projects, e.g. with the government) , the UK government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme is the perfect place to start. It includes five key “controls” that cover the main parts of organisation cybersecurity.

What is a VPN? How does it work?

All your VPN questions are about to be answered! Virtual Private Networks have been growing in importance and profile in recent years. But do you understand what they are, how they work, or what they’re for?