Yusra Shaeik

Should you invest in cyber insurance? 

Cyber crime is massively on the up. So, should you invest in cyber insurance? The short answer is almost certainly yes. But don’t go in with your eyes closed. Here is what cyber insurance is, why it’s important, and some things to check and know before you buy: What is cyber insurance? Cyber insurance is

What is Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Microsoft is jumping aboard the AI train. Microsoft 365 CoPilot is a new AI tool that’s designed to boost you and your team’s productivity (as well as do some pretty nifty other things). But how exactly does it work? Why would you want it? If you do want it, how do you get it? Let’s

Green IT vs Green IS (and why you should care)

Green IT and Green IS sound a lot alike. Information Technology? Information Systems? When it comes right down to Green IT vs Green IS, what is the difference really? Perhaps more importantly, why should business leaders care? The headline here is financial. Reducing the cost of IT is almost always a business outcome of smart

5 key reasons to outsource cybersecurity

With the current shortage of talent (over 2.7 million professionals needed worldwide), it’s no surprise businesses in every industry are considering reasons to outsource cybersecurity. Because cyber threats are constantly on the rise. The number and type of threats continue to evolve. The costs of inaction are huge. Managed Service Providers (or MSPs, as they

Your Business Continuity Strategy – where are you at?

What do you do when disaster strikes? Your Business Continuity Strategy tells you exactly what the plan is. So how far have you gotten with yours? In a world where cyber attacks are increasingly common – and events like economy-shattering global pandemics aren’t exactly unheard-of – every organisation needs a Business Continuity Plan. If you

Do remote collaboration tools benefit the environment?

The switch to more remote working – especially the attendant reduced carbon emissions from commuting and business travel – has been hailed as part of the start of a green revolution. But how much do remote collaboration tools benefit the environment? It’s estimated that around half of the hefty reduction in carbon emissions measured during

5 things to think about before you invest in business IT

Your business IT and what you choose to invest in can make or break your company. Before you put your hard-earned money on the line, there are a few things every business should think about. Because positive change is not guaranteed. If you want to create the growth and productivity-enhancing digital transformation that good IT

What device management is (and why you need it)

Device management is one of the most vital aspects of cybersecurity for businesses of every size and in every industry. If you want to protect your business and grow in future, it’s critical that you institute proper device management. Especially in a world where remote and hybrid working are increasingly common. But why else is

Software unification – the challenges and solutions

Once your business reaches a certain size, connecting all your software to work with other software can start to become a real headache. That’s where software unification comes in. Because technology is always advancing. Market demand and consumer expectations are always developing. The combination has left many organisations struggling with a fragmented collection of software

How digital transformation helps recruitment companies survive pandemics

Many recruitment companies struggled to survive the COVID-19 pandemic. Those that did often had a pre-existing (or quickly scrambled) digital transformation to thank. In 2020, only 25% of recruitment agencies has a digital transformation strategy in place. Today, over 84% do. That shows you how important digitisation has suddenly become to the industry. So when