Nina Sawicka

DAG is now an Assured Cyber Security Consultancy

Dial A Geek has just met the standards required to become an Assured Cyber Security Consultancy – as approved by the NCSC, the National Cyber Security Centre. The Cyber Advisor scheme, as it’s known, is designed to help businesses make the difficult decision as to who to trust with their cyber security. This scheme gives

Meet Your Geek – James Clapp

Meet James – the newest addition to our team. James has joined us as a Senior IT Technician bringing over 16 years of experience across many areas of IT and having worked across several types of industries from local housing associations to global FTSE 100 organisations.  With a focus on quality and customer service, James is looking forward

Why is identity protection so important for businesses?

Your digital identity includes all of the activities and actions you take online every day. It’s not just your login credentials (though, of course, these are a vital part of it). It’s who you are, what you do, and what you have access to in the digital world. The power that having access to your

How to create your IT security policy as an SME

If you’re an SME owner, it’s often difficult to get everything you need to get done finished every day. For many of us, an IT security policy is something it’s easy to continually put in the “tomorrow” pile. This is particularly easy to do when you’re starting from nothing. You might not have gotten much

Is AI all hype? DAG in promotional script snafu

You know the drill. Your business is launching new services. How will you market them? At Dial A Geek, we thought we’d get ChatGPT to give us a clue. It left us thinking: is AI all hype? Because the result we got back when asking for a one-minute promotional video script was… Well. It was

Cybersecurity vs compliance – do you know how they differ?

Cybersecurity and compliance are terms that are often used interchangeably. You can see why. Both are all about helping you manage your organisation’s digital security. But – and this is a big but – each has a very different motivation, focus, and methods attached to it: Compliance is driven by business needs. It’s often designed

What is penetration testing (and who should do it)? 

Do you need to be absolutely sure there are zero holes in your cybersecurity protections that an attacker could exploit? If so, learning what penetration testing is all about might be for you. But penetration testing isn’t for everyone. Smaller businesses can often get by without this kind of intensive, active test of their cybersecurity.

Have you ticked off your end of year office IT checklist?

It’s beginning to feel a lot like… time to turn everything off before you high-tail it for the snowy hills. But have you ticked off your end of year office IT checklist? Before you sign off for Christmas, make sure you’ve done all of the following: Your end of year IT checklist 1) Turn off

Ethical business is a benefit not a cost

Over 95% of the top companies in the world said in a recent survey that they believed ethical business was a benefit. Not a cost. This is a sea change in terms of direction. It means that the world’s leading businesses recognise that being (and being perceived as being) ethical isn’t a “nice to have”