Gildas Jones

BYOD: disadvantages and advantages to consider

BYOD has its advantages and disadvantages. An abbreviation of “Bring Your Own Device”, this trendy, relatively new workplace innovation has made a big splash in the past few years. Some people love BYOD. As an employee, you get to use your own familiar laptop or smartphone. As an employer, you get to save money on

What is identity protection (and why should SMEs care)?

Your digital identity sounds a bit pretentious. But it encapsulates everything about what you say and do online, your login details, and more. This is why identity protection is something that SMEs really need to start caring about. Because cybercrime – especially threats against SMEs, widely supposed to have fewer resources to protect themselves –

Outsourced IT services – are they right for your business?

Making the decision to professionalise your business’s tech can feel like a big step. But outsourced IT services exist for a reason. In fact, they exist for several very good ones: Because up until they reach a certain size, most businesses won’t find it cost-effective to have an internal IT department. Even the salary of

Are you avoiding these 5 key compliance mistakes?

Cybersecurity compliance is a worthy and highly necessary goal for any organisation. But many companies risk their reputation and their security by making key compliance mistakes. So, how about it? How many of these are you managing to avoid? How many of these compliance mistakes does your business make? 1) Neglecting an internal audit An

Mac security – how to protect your data when you’re an Apple user

More and more cybercriminals are targeting Apple Mac users these days. So, how good is Mac security? How do you protect your data when you’re an Apple user? Because Apple is working hard to put better security in place for Mac. But cybercriminals are always developing more sophisticated strategies. Here is the latest low-down on

What is password fatigue? (and how to cure it)

You know the score. You have one password for your email. Another for that account. Another for this. Before you know it, you need to remember ten passwords. Password fatigue sets in. The end result is a whole lot of grumbling on your part. And probably quite a few clicks on the old “forgot password”

What is a Zero Trust security model? (and how to implement it)

The Zero Trust security model means your workplace computer network verifies every user’s permission to be using it at all times. In today’s cybersecurity landscape, it’s vital. Because you might have been able to just about “get by” up until now. But cybersecurity attacks are massively on the rise. They’re also getting more and more

New Year Resolutions – business IT security version

New Year, new you? The New Year is the time many organisations choose to reset and set new goals. And when it comes to business IT security, 2024 is going to be the make-or-break year for many organisations. Malicious cybercrime is on the rise. In 2023, the average cost of an attack against a medium-sized

AiTM phishing attacks are on the rise: how to protect yourself

AiTM Phishing Attacks graphic - decorative

Adversary in The Middle phishing attacks have been around for a while. But now they’re on the rise in a big way. Responsible business owners need to know how to protect themselves. This isn’t a minor threat. The consequences of this latest wave of phishing attacks include financial fraud, lost data, brand damage, potential consumer

Cyber Essentials overview and requirements

Cyber Essentials is one of the easiest and most effective ways to know that you have done your due diligence on Cybersecurity for your business. Not only does it protect you against the common cyber threats out there, but it demonstrates to others that you’ve done so. If you’re bidding for a government contract or